Know your NFT net worth!
GM ser, these are your main portfolio features:
Portfolio Acquisition Cost
All the ERC721, ERC1155, ERC20 included Yes, that is all the ETH (MATIC, DAI, ASH) you invested, you degen! Including mints and historical prices

Yes, including mintprices (and that includes the gas fees that you turned up like a madman).
Portfolio Profit-Loss
based on all your NFT transactions and historical prices Yes, you can see daily how much money your jpegs are worth. Get your daily dopamine rush here.
Portfolio Value
by last sale of the collection (like Cryptopunks), last sale of the (highest trait, like Hoodies), floor (of Cryptopunks e.g.), floor (highest trait, like the Dildo Punk you own) Yes, you can see your portfolio value by all that.

Because let's be honest, whats the real value of your jpeg when some pleb is the only one selling and they set the floor to 420.69 ETH, right?
Know your NFT net worth!
Für Dein fabelhaftes Leben
Portfolio Acquisition Cost
All the ERC721, ERC1155, ERC20 included Yes, that is all the ETH (MATIC, DAI, ASH) you invested, you degen! Including mints and historical prices

Yes, including mintprices (and that includes the gas fees that you turned up like a madman).
Portfolio Profit-Loss
based on all your NFT transactions and historical prices Yes, you can see daily how much money your jpegs are worth. Get your daily dopamine rush here.
Portfolio Value
by last sale of the collection (like Cryptopunks), last sale of the (highest trait, like Hoodies), floor (of Cryptopunks e.g.), floor (highest trait, like the Dildo Punk you own) Yes, you can see your portfolio value by all that.

Because let's be honest, whats the real value of your jpeg when some pleb is the only one selling and they set the floor to 420.69 ETH, right?

Why you’ll

Love it

Why should you get NFTfolio? Because it is the only NFT Portfolio you will ever need, made by People with Cryptopunks, Bored Apes, Chromie Squiggles and Punks Comics, we are the ones that say GM and say it back, and we all together are the ones running this show, this is why we say WAGMI and LFG!


The right price for you, whoever you are

Cryptopunk owners will have the Gold membership. This is our way of saying thank you and giving back to the Community that started it all. As long as you have at least one Cryptopunk in your wallet NFTfolio is free to use for you.



Track up to 50 NFTs

€ 29/ month


Track up to 1000 NFTs

€ 49/ month


Track unlimited NFTs

€ 99/ month

Test the free version and track up to 15 NFTs



Acquisition cost

Finally get to know what you spend on your NFT’s including mints and gas prices with historical currency values. We support lazy minting as well.

Portfolio value by average sale

Because that is what your jpeg is really worth, that is what someone really paid, not what they listed for.

Whale watching

Connect any wallet and look through their transaction history to find out what they are buying.

Whale watching

Connect any wallet and look through their transaction history to find out what they are buying.

Direct links

Stop wasting time searching for the highest trait floor on opensea. Each asset has direct links to.

Dissable Spam NFT's

Only see the NFT's you bought. We hate those Scam/Spam Polygon bullhit NFTs, right? That's why we will protect you from this visual cancer by just not showing them.

Portfolio value by highest trait floor

Most valuable trait whole portfolio/single NFT. You want to know what someone really paid for your spiral Fidenza, right?

Portfolio value by floor

It´s a safe way to tell what your Punks and Bored Apes are worth at least when we look at their floor.

Instantly liquidable Portfolio value

in case you accepted all OpenSea bids. So when you click on all these low ball bot offers, how many ETH would be flooding your MetaMask?

Gallery View

See your NFT’s in a nice Gallery view. We all wanna show off, don´t we?

Sorting your assets

by assets by cost, offer, highest trait floor, floor. Because we wanna no what is hot and what should we better forget that we ever bought it.




Mike Hager is a german bestselling author of books on all things finance. In February 2021 he found his way into the NFT space with his acquisition of 3 Cryptopunks. Later he minted 10 Bored Apes and never sold a single one. People in the space call him “a legend” for that.


Alex Sachs is a serial entrepreneur, blockchain expert and former head of innovation.