What’s it all about?

Imagine you could turn back time and were able to buy a Bitcoin for less than a cent. kaufen.

How many would you have collected with the knowledge of today

The way Bitcoins were viewed in 2011 is very similar to how NFTs are expected to change the world in 2023.
2023. The Non Fungible Tokens are changing the world right now. And
you still have the chance to be one of the first people to be in at the start
and reap the rewards.

Can NFTs make you rich?
At the very least, NFTs can offer returns unlike any other
investment. You just have to understand how the market works and
how to recognize the best NFTs. This is something you can learn – together with Mike
Hager and the largest NFT community in the German-speaking

Future of Finance

The Future of Finance (FoF) is within your reach. All you have to do
is take control of it. There are infinite opportunities to invest money profitably in Web3.
over night?

This is by no means a rarity in this space. More than
400 people from Germany, Austria and Switzerland
are already part of this unique community and there will be
more and more.

If you understand German, you can also become a part of the Future of Finance and start reaping the benefits in the long term from the decision you make today.

FoF Event Munich

It was THE NFT event of the year 2022 in Europe: around 250 Future of Finance Mentoring participants came to Munich in October at the invitation of Mike Hager to experience the power of this unique community live over two days: and there will be more to come.

Presentations, networking, news, interviews, stars of the industry - the variety of topics and the transfer of know-how made a lasting impression on all participants and brought them even closer together.

Future of Finance

Join the most exclusive
NFT mentoring Community in Germany

1. Set up an appointment

If you speak German, click here to select a date and make an initial appointment with us. Please enter your name and telephone number.

2. We’ll analyze your current financial situation

One of our experts will give you a call on the appointed date. You discuss where you currently stand and what goals you want to achieve.

This will make it clear whether our mentoring is right for you.

3. Your personal onboarding

After the comprehensive and successful consultation, you will take part in your own personal onboarding session so you can make the most of what the mentoring group has to offer.

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If you speak German, register here:

How to invest in Non-Fungible Tokens: Everything you need to know

How you can build a fortune with NFTs

NFTs (non-fungible tokens), unique digital items stored on the blockchain in the network, are currently turning more than just the art world upside down: For the first time, digital content available on the network (images, videos, music, collectibles and much more) can be clearly assigned to an owner. Since then, prices for digital works have gone through the roof. Mike Hager dove into the world of NFTs in early 2021. Six months later, his collection of digital works (his wallet) was worth over four million euros, with a total investment of around 300,000 euros. In between, there are about 2,000 hours of his own intensive research that went into this book. It will be your guide through the NFT world.

From the content
•Basic terms from blockchain to wallet, selling platforms and crypto exchanges.
•Overview of current uses of NFTs, with many examples.
•The secret language of NFT communities
•The most important Twitter accounts, experts and artists
•A practical guide for entering the world of NFTs

What our Participants have to say

Das größte NFT-Mentoring in Europa

Claudia G.

"Mike ist eine Happyness-Droge. Er schafft es, egal zu welchem Thema, die Menschen mitzureißen, zu coachen und gleichzeitig wertzuschätzen."
Mehr erfahren

Nicolas K. 

Jungunternehmer & Krypto-Enthusiast
"Als ich Abi gemacht habe, haben sich meine Mitschüler mehr für meine Geschichten aus dem NFT-Space als für die Prüfungsaufgaben interessiert."
Mehr erfahren

Marie-Luise F.

Selbständige Friseurmeisterin im Ruhestand
"Statt Stricken und Häkeln befasse ich mich lieber mit Kryptowährungen und NFTs. Das hält mich geistig fit und macht mir einen Riesenspaß!"
Mehr erfahren

Adrian G.

Selbstständig im Affiliate Marketing
“Was Mike bietet ist nicht nur sein einzigartiges Know-how, sondern auch ein einzigartiges Netzwerk. Das gibt's so nicht ein zweites Mal."
Mehr erfahren

René S.

Im öffentlichen Dienst tätig
"Mit einem Gesamtinvest von 30.000 Euro ist meine Wallet mittlerweile 2,5 Millionen Euro wert. Gar nicht so schlecht, wie ich finde."
Mehr erfahren

Conny L.

Ärztin aus Bamberg
"Plötzlich kommt Gmoney an unseren Tisch und schenkt jedem seinen Admit One POAP. Sowas erlebst du nur mit Mike Hager."
Mehr erfahren

    Stars, Stories, Strategies

    Inside NFT

    The NFT Tell-all

    Bestselling author Mike Hager follows up: 

    Following his USA Today bestseller “NFTs and the Future of Finance,” Mike now takes an uncensored look behind the scenes in the NFT universe. His readers get a fly on the wall perspective on exclusive NFT insider tips with entertaining stories full of original sound bites from well-known artists and investors.

    The Best Finance Program in Germany

    Mikes Money Member

    More money, more time for you and more time with your loved ones: get more quality of life!

    The fun usually stops when it comes to money. But now the well-known comedian and radio host Mike Hager has written a book about money, and the fun is just beginning – about getting rich. Because Hager knows exactly what he’s talking about: At just 26, he had 35,000 euros in debt; 7 years later, he was a multiple property owner and millionaire. He can live carefree and does not have to fear Corona crises or otherwise caused income dips. He tells how he did it in this indispensable financial book for everyone. He explains the right attitude towards money and describes how to avoid common mistakes. Hager’s credo is that financial freedom is not a question of luck, but the result of consistent action. And only those who are financially free are the boss in their lives.


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    The successful YouTube channel
    of Mike Hager

    Mike Hager

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    Tips & Tricks

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    How to invest in Non-Fungible Tokens: Everything you need to know

    How you can build a fortune with NFTs

    NFTs (non-fungible tokens), unique digital items stored on the blockchain in the network, are currently turning more than just the art world upside down: For the first time, digital content available on the network (images, videos, music, collectibles and much more) can be clearly assigned to an owner. Since then, prices for digital works have gone through the roof. Mike Hager dove into the world of NFTs in early 2021. Six months later, his collection of digital works (his wallet) was worth over four million euros, with a total investment of around 300,000 euros. In between, there are about 2,000 hours of his own intensive research that went into this book. It will be your guide through the NFT world.

    From the content
    •Basic terms from blockchain to wallet, selling platforms and crypto exchanges.
    •Overview of current uses of NFTs, with many examples.
    •The secret language of NFT communities
    •The most important Twitter accounts, experts and artists
    •A practical guide for entering the world of NFTs

    What are NFTs?
    NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. Nicht-fungibel bedeutet in dem Fall, dass die (digitalen) Objekte nicht austauschbar, beziehungsweise ersetzbar sind. Einen Fünf-Euro-Schein kann man beispielsweise beliebig oft austauschen, ein Einfamilienhaus hingegen nicht. Genauso verhält es sich mit digitalen Kunstwerken: Es sind digitale Unikate, welche nicht ersetzbar sind. Der Inhaber ist zugleich auch Eigentümer des digitalen Eigentums- und Besitznachweises.

    A smart contract ensures that the ownership of a digital work of art is authentic and not just copied via screenshot or a “right click and save”. Ownership can be verified at any time because the technology is based on the blockchain.
    NFT technology, which first became popular in the art world, has spread into other industries. For example, Alfa Romeo was the first automobile manufacturer to introduce NFT technology into its cars. In this way they can prove that the mileage hasn’t been manipulated and that maintenance was carried out regularly and according to plan, because it is documented in a foolproof way: on the blockchain.  

    The event industry is using NFT technology to provide digital proof of ownership for tickets. This makes it harder for scalpers and scammers to sell tickets on the black market. Buyers won’t fall for counterfeit tickets.  

    How can I buy NFTs?
    There are two ways to get NFTs. First option: mint an NFT from a project that you’re interested in. Once you have set up your digital wallet and added some cryptocurrency, such as Ether, you’re ready to make your first purchase. You can find info about a project on its Twitter profile. You will also find a link to the project website where you can mint the token. This means you are “buying” an NFT without having seen it before – for example, if it is a PFP (Profile Picture) project. These projects usually consist of 10,000 unique profile pictures which are digitally generated. For some projects, the metadata is only released after the mint, so you don’t know beforehand which piece of art you are minting. OpenSea, the No. 1 marketplace in the NFT space, works like a pair of glasses that enable you to see the NFTs you have minted, claimed or purchased on the blockchain.  

    It’s also important to know that there are two token standards: ERC 721 and ERC 1155. An ERC 721 token (such as NFTs from the Bored Ape Yacht Club, or BAYC for short) is unique and can only exist once. With an ERC 1155 token (for example, from “adidas into the metaverse”), there can be 10,000 or even 100,000 NFTs with an identical picture.  

    There are also NFTs with a single motif that can be minted in only a very limited number. In this case, you would know what the motif would be before you minted (such as a photo or another work of art (generative art).

    The second option: You buy your NFT on the secondary market, such as on the OpenSea platform. Here, the price will usually be higher than minting, since sellers want to make a profit from their previously minted NFTs. This process is similar to eBay: You can see what the NFT and the price and you can also contact the seller to try to negotiate a better price.

    You can find out more about how to purchase Ether, how to set up a crypto wallet and how to buy or mint your first NFT in the USA Today bestselling book “NFTs and the Future of Finance” (published by FinanzBuch Verlag) where Mike Hager describes every step in great detail.

    Are NFTs a sensible investment?
    No matter what you invest in, you should only ever invest an amount that you can afford to lose. But as with any investment, in the NFT business it is important to be able to distinguish between investments that make sense and those that don’t. Putting your entire savings into a single investment category has never been wise. It’s all about diversification! And if you keep your eyes on decentralized blockchain technology in addition to conventional forms of investing, you will want to look into NFTs: the digital certificates of ownership stored on the blockchain. So far, NFT technology, in the form of non-fungible tokens, has mainly made it into the mainstream news when expensive NFT art changes hands. This could be an art project of photography or the so-called PFP (Profile Picture) projects, which can comprise 10 thousand different pictures, generated digitally, and having lots of different traits, such as those of little animals. Anyone able to mint or buy NFTs of the so-called OG projects, which were there right from the beginning, basically has it made. There were a lot of cool and funky projects in the beginning, which managed to whet people’s appetite for this basic technology, however, the focus now is increasingly on applying the technology in everyday life. Wherever certificates of ownership are involved, NFTs can come into play. Just think of all the benefits for purchasing tickets online. Mike Hager, the NFT “Guru,” offers valuable tips on investing on the blockchain – and, of course, in NFTs – in his online mentoring program, Future of Finance, for speakers of German.

    How can I recognize a good NFT project?
    In the crypto space, just like in real life, you can’t go wrong if you take this saying to heart: It’s better to err on the side of caution! Because just like in real life, there are plenty of shady characters lurking around dark corners trying to take your money. Every day, scammers are thinking up new ways to get their hands on someone else’s NFTs and cryptocurrency using nasty tricks and schemes with falsified information. Entire fake NFT projects have been set up with the sole purpose of robbing people of their money or NFTs.

    You’ll notice that serious NFT projects have very active Twitter profiles. They also operate their own Discord server, which regularly sends out updates on the NFT project’s roadmap – i.e. the project’s purpose and current state of affairs along with upcoming events. Serious projects are designed for the long term and offer their NFT holders and investors benefits, called “utilities”: because it’s the small gifts that keep friendships alive.

    Another basic rule of thumb is to buy artwork that you genuinely like and are proud to own. And once you start to fill your wallet with NFTs, you want to keep them safe! So never give out your seed phrase (that’s the password to the crypto wallet, which consists of twelve or twenty-four words.) I’m not joking – never give it out to anyone, no matter how nice and helpful they may seem. No reputable person or NFT project will ask you for it! And one last caveat: the investment should never be in an amount that would hurt you financially, if the value were suddenly to sink drastically – you should be able to ride the waves to get through a downturn or survive a crash. After all, the NFT space is a very volatile and high-risk investment at the moment.

    Can I take part in the Future of Finance?
    Mike Hager’s “Future of Finance” is a unique and online-based program, offering mentoring to people who want to dive into the NFT and crypto space, speak German, and fulfill all the prerequisites for becoming successful in this space. Since its launch in 2021, Mike Hager, who is known internationally as the “NFT Guru,” has led more than 450 people from this group through the NFT jungle. Participants get insider information, industry updates and the latest trends and news first-hand, and up-to-the-minute by Mike Hager himself along with his team. Participants take part in a weekly Zoom call, where they have the opportunity to listen and ask questions in live lectures and webinars on specific topics. Here, the stars in the NFT space regularly come to share their insights: whether Gary Vee, Justin Aversano or Erik Snowfro, to name a few – Mike Hager has knowledgeable connections in the industry, who are among the most successful artists and investors internationally.

    Participants in the “Future of Finance” mentoring program are also given access to a Telegram channel where they can exchange information even more quickly. And, of course, Mike Hager has also set up its own Discord server for members only. There is a wide range of videos to help newbies learn how to set up a wallet, for example, or buy their first cryptocurrency on the blockchain. The youngest participant

    Who is Mike Hager?
    Mike Hager, born in 1974, serves as the gold standard when it comes to NFTs in Europe. His mentoring program “Future of Finance” is followed by over 450 people in Europe. Mike Hager has made a name for himself internationally as a high-risk investor and crypto expert. He regularly connects with the international crypto elite – all over the world. His books on investment, money and NFTs have made it onto bestseller lists for weeks at a time. Mike Hager has published the first ever print version of an NFT Magazine on the topic of Non-Fungible Tokens. A further world premiere, “Bored Beer,” is coming soon under the label of his 10APES lifestyle brand. If you want to find out more about NFT technology, Mike Hager is always on it: his YouTube channel for German speakers is one of the most extensive online channels on the subject of NFT and crypto. It’s easy to see why they call Mike Hager the NFT Guru.

    What did Mike do before he became one of the world’s most successful NFT investors (he still hasn’t let go of his ten minted “Bored Apes” from the Bored Ape Yacht Club, for example)? He’s been no stranger to the media limelight since the 2000s, particularly in Bavaria, where he embodied his humorous radio alter ego “studio technician Nullinger” on the airwaves of Germany’s widest reaching private radio station, Antenne Bayern, for some 20 years. Bavarians know and love him simply as “Nullinger” which translates roughly as “no way” in German. 90% of Bavarian radio listeners know the cult figure created by Mike Hager, who made hundreds of thousands of listeners have a good laugh every day. Mike was also able to build up a huge fan base as a presenter on ARD television in Germany.

    Mike Hager, the superstar – it wasn’t always that way. Before Mike Hager came to know life on the sunny side of the street, he went through some pretty hard times. At one time he weighed 130 kilos  and was at least as heavily into debt.  Without a good job, and with no prospects, no love, and no idea how to change things, he seemed light-years away from making his  big dream of working  in radio come true. It seemed totally unrealistic to most that he be able to earn a living on the radio, especially with such a thick accent and no experience, and not just behind the scenes, but in front of the microphone! Because that’s where Mike wanted to be! His situation seemed  hopeless  and Mike didn’t have a clue how to turn things around.  

    However, he didn’t give up. With a will of iron, he began studying books on weight loss and finances and finally brought about the turning point: Mike Hager lost 50 kilos in one and a half years. He reduced his mountain of debt and became a real estate investor in Munich. Today he is the proud owner of a very handsome real estate portfolio.